This module allows you to run a payroll for your employees.
Payroll Items
Payroll items are the ones you will pick from when building your payslip. They can either be deduction or addition. To view a list of all your payroll items, click Payroll menu then click Manage Payroll Items.
Add Payroll Item
To add new payroll item , click on Payroll menu then click Manage Payroll Items then click Add Item.
This will open the item create page offering a series of text inputs.
The form contains:
- Name: The name of the item
- Type: Whether the item is an allowance or deduction
- Amount Type: Whether the amount is fixed or a percentage of the total amount
- Amount: The amount of the item
- Description: Any additional details
Payroll Templates
You can configure a template to be used when creating a payslip. To view a list of all your payroll templates, click Payroll menu then click Manage Payroll Templates.
Add Payroll Template
To add new payroll template , click on Payroll menu then click Manage Payroll Templates then click Add Template.
This will open the template create page offering a series of text inputs.
The form contains:
- Name: The name of the template
- Work Duration: The total number of days or hours
- Duration Unit: The unit of the duration, e.g. days or hours
- Amount Per Duration: The amount per duration. This will be multiplied by the work duration
- Items: The items applicable to the template.
- Description: Any additional details
View Payroll
Clicking View Payroll will open income list page. On this page you will see a table with columns below:
- ID: The system id of the payroll
- User: The user of the payroll
- Date: The date the payroll was recorded
- Amount: The amount of the payroll
- Payment Status: Whether the payroll amount has been paid or not.
- Action: Further actions that you can take on the row like edit or details
Add Payroll
To add new payroll , click on Payroll menu then click Create Payroll.
This will open the payroll create page offering a series of text inputs.
The form contains:
- Branch: The branch of the payroll
- User: The user of the payroll
- Date: The date the payroll was recorded
- Template: The payroll template
- Currency: The payroll currency
- Work Duration: The total number of days or hours
- Duration Unit: The unit of the duration, e.g. days or hours
- Amount Per Duration: The amount per duration. This will be multiplied by the work duration
- Total duration amount: The total duration amount of the payroll
- Allowances: The payroll allowance items which will be loaded from the selected template. You can add additional items by clicking + icon
- Deductions: The payroll deductions items which will be loaded from the selected template. You can add additional items by clicking + icon
- Bank Name: The bank name where the money will be deposited
- Recurring: Whether the payroll is recurring or not
- Recur Frequency: The frequency at which the payroll recurs for the recurring type.
- Recur Type: The period of time which the recur frequency occurs.
- Recur Start Date: The date to which the recurring starts.
- Recur End Date: The date to which the recurring should stop.
- Description: Any additional details.
Payroll Details
This page shows details about the payroll. You can add payroll payments here